Friday, June 26, 2009

Lobster Newburg

2 2-pound live lobster
1/3 cup of Cognac4 tbsp of butter
2 cups of heavy cream4 tbsp of olive oil
2/3 cup of bouillon (fish or meat stock)
1 cup of dry white wineBeurre ManieBeurre Manie

Cooking InstructionsTo clean: place the live lobster on a work board or table and using a heavy, sharp knife and mallet, insert the point of the knife between the body and tail shells and drive it through to sever the spinal cord. When the lobster stops moving, turn it over on its back and split it lengthwise from head to tail, cutting it into two parts. Remove the stomach and intestinal tract but leave the grayish-colored liver and the roe, or "coral," if there is any. Then remove the claws and cut the tails in sections, cutting through where the shells are jointed. Wash well.
Heat the butter and oil together in a large kettle and add the live lobster pieces. Using tongs, toss them about until the shells turn red and the meat is seared. Season to taste with salt and pepper. When the shells are red, remove the lobster pieces and put them on a hot platter. Add the wine and Cognac to the kettle and boil it rapidly until it is reduced to half its volume. Add the cream and the bouillon - any court bouillon in which you have cooked fish or shellfish, or a meat bouillon. This latter can be made with hot water and a bouillon cube. Add the lobster pieces, cover the kettle and simmer gently for 30 minutes.
Remove the cooked lobster and take the meat out of the shell. Place the lobster meat in a deep dish.

As published on AOL Foods
Try our live lobster resource for Maine lobster the finest Live Lobster.

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