Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Broiled Lobster


* 1/2- to 2-pound main lobster for each person
* melted butter
* additional butter for basting
* salt to taste
* pepper to taste
* lemon wedges

Cooking Instructions

Allow a 1-1/2- to 2-pound maine lobster for each person. Have your fish dealer split and clean them for you (but you must cook them very soon after) or do it yourself.

To clean: place the live lobster on a work board or table and using a heavy, sharp knife and mallet, insert the point of the knife between the body and tail shells and drive it through to sever the spinal cord. When the live lobster stops moving, turn it over on its back and split it lengthwise from head to tail, cutting it into two parts. Remove the stomach and intestinal tract but leave the grayish-colored liver and the roe, or "coral," if there is any.

Brush the flesh of each half with plenty of melted butter and broil in a heated broiler for 12 to 15 minutes. Baste frequently with additional butter as the lobster cooks or it will dry out. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve with melted butter and lemon wedges.

Try our source for cooked maine lobster or live lobster

As published on AOL foods

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